Friday, July 16, 2010

The Quest for Turtle

So, it's been no secret that life in these parts has been less than - friendly. The fit throwing and tantrums have had me closer to the looney bin than I've ever been in my life. And yet, somehow in all the chaos, once again Albert finds a solution.

Preston has a responsibility chart. He's got about 7 things that he has to do in a day, and he gets a smiley for each day that he does it. The original bribe reward was money. He loves money to buy junk. I love good behavior. It's a working relationship. Anyway, apparently he doesn't love money as much as I love good behavior, because that only worked for a week. (I should note that my son is the master manipulator of "systems." If I haven't already blogged about time outs, I will later.)

The other night, after a particularly terrible fit at the dinner table and the subsequent talk, all three of us are snuggled on the couch to watch tv (his choice) for the only 15 minutes of free time Preston has before bed. It was Wonder Pets, which if you don't have children to have been tortured blessed by this programing, is about three school pets that save animals in danger during after hours. All non-chalant, Albert asks Preston if he could have one of those three animals as a pet, which would it be? (FYI, the choices are a duckling, a hamster and a turtle.) Without hesitation, Preston says turtle. And then my husband, whom I love dearly, leaves me somewhere between fainting and stabbing when he responds, "Well, if you can get all the smiley's on your chart for 4 weeks in a row, I'll get you a turtle." (In retrospect, I realized how HARD 4 weeks IN A ROW would actually be, and it seems like a pretty good deal. 28 days to break a habit, people.)

Anyway, I'm rambling, and all of this lead up is really for one tiny question that I got this morning on the way to his friend's house. We're having our morning discussion about not being upset and throwing a fit when I leave, because I have to go to work - and for once, he agrees to be calm about the situation. And after a slight pause, he poses this question:

"Mom, when I get a turtle, THEN what if I throw a fit?"

Great. So the post-turtle era is already in planning. Don't even try to convince me 5 year olds aren't dictators.

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