Monday, April 12, 2010

Me: do you know what "infinity" actually means?

P: It's God's number.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


The Easter bunny brought Preston some Ben 10 "action fingers."

Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday

P: Mom, how did Miss Holly know that today would be a good Friday?

The Cool Guy Club

So Albert and I have this thing (inside joke, I guess) with my brother-in-law and his wife about calling each other the cool guy whenever someone screw something up. For example: "Man, you guys are late!" will be responded to as "thanks to the COOL GUY" and point to...Ruben, usually. It's possible you won't get how incredibly funny all of this actually is, but I know at least 3 other people out there that will think it's the funniest thing on the I deemed it blog-worthy.

Anyway, it's an ongoing joke; except, I don't think I realized how OFTEN we said it, until after this conversation Wednesday afternoon.

P and his best friend are in the back seat discussing a Capt. America comic book I got at the Air Force base, when I hear Preston say that they gave it to him. So, I turned around to interceed in the conversation:

Me: They gave it to WHO?

P: Me...the cool guy.