Thursday, June 23, 2011


Preston is obsessed with sharp things on his body. Nails. Hair. His vampire teeth.

This morning I left my little wallet with a mirror in it on the table. He found it during breakfast and spent most of breakfast time staring at his vampire teeth to make sure they were still sharp.

"Mom, guess what? I'm not chewing with my boulders, you know why? I'm chewing with my vampire teeth."

Some words are just too cute to correct. I just might be the parent of a 12 year old that still rides the "elligator", or visits the "jagwaters" at the zoo.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Camp is more fun than work

Preston is attending camp this summer at one of the recreation centers. It's been great so far. This morning, Preston decided to point out how much BETTER camp was, than work.
"Mom, what do you do at work?" Funny you should comment how much better it is, when you have no idea what I do all day..."work!" I respond. Heavy sigh, "I know you work, but what KIND of work?" I explain that I do accounting, which means I make sure all the money and numbers are right. "How much money do you have?" -- the "in the millions" response got a jaw-drop, and the conversation is over.

As we're gathering up stuff, I ask him if he eats lunch on swim days at camp, or at the pool. He says he's already told me, so I admit I've forgotten the answer. So he says,
"At camp, Mom. We eat at CAMP. At camp. At camp. At camp. At camp."
"Ok! I get it," I respond, to which he retorts that he doesn't want me to forget again. As we're headed out the door he says,
"Mom, can you please bend down." I do, and he begins banging the side of my head (softly enough) saying, "get the numbers out. get the numbers out."
"What was that for!"
"I want you to get the numbers out so you won't forget that I eat lunch AT CAMP!"


Public Education

I took Preston to Half-Priced books Monday. The reason is - well, we bribed him for the chance at a funny video. The video was worth $5...I figure it'll be priceless in about 10 years.

Anyhow, prior to the excursion, I steel myself for what this will be - a long, drawn-out process of book choosing because "they do not have enough books," when in actuality they have too many. We get there, and the store is rearranged, so he spends 5 minutes insisting we're not in the kids section (surrounded by Curious George and dino books), while I try to get him to understand the meaning of "half-pint books" on the sign. Thank you, Half-Priced Books for your charm and wit...however, it does not help when pacifiying a 5 year old.

Anyway, I finally learn that Preston "isn't into fiction" because "it's just not his thing." As he sits on the floor perusing the dino books, in NON-fiction, he casually comments, "I am NOT getting that Presidents book." -- huh? Looking around I realize we're also near the history books, which he is normally very interested in, so I ask why. "Because I do NOT like Presidents." -- Why? "Because they are boring and they talk too much."

So, this is what you get when you force kindergardeners to watch the State of the Union address. Just sayin'.

Oh man...

When I came on to blog the funny thing P did this morning, I didn't realize it's been almost a year since the last time I posted any of his funnies. This blog isn't going to work the way I want it if I don't get (and stay) on the ball.

I'll do better. Ish.