He's a ninja. Preston loves ninjas. Of course, he wanted to try it on. I figured he wouldn't go for it , the costume has a full face covering, and he's really not that big on masks. He loved it. LOVED. IT.
Loved it so much, he wanted to wear it out of the dressing room.

Snake Eyes is a ninja that took a vow of silence. P knows this, because he and Albert went to see the movie; I, on the other hand, had no idea. So when P is sitting practically silent unless forced to answer, I start wondering what's going on. The kid said 10 words over an hour time period - and he was bouncing off the walls hyper before he put the costume on. I suppose it's similar to that week around Halloween last year that he made us refer to him as Tony Stark when he wasn't wearing his Iron Man costume...either way, I love this costume, too. :)
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