P: Mom, there is a tornado in East tomorrow. Right?
Me: Um, there is?
P: Yeah. There is. It's a tornado. In East.
Me: Oh. Hmm. Well, where did you hear that?
P: Grandma's car told me. Through the speakers, you know? They said there is a tornado in East tomorrow.
Me: (chuckles) Oh, I see. Hmm, well that's interesting. I don't think I knew that.
P: Yeah, East is that way.
Me: Which way?
P: (points East, impressive) That way.
Me: That's good. You're actually exactly right.
P: I know. There is going to be a tornado tomorrow in East. And if there isn't a tornado in East, then we can drive that way. If there isn't a tornado. But Grandma's speakers said there would be a tornado in East, tomorrow, and so we can't drive to East if there is a tornado. But if there isn't a tornado in East, then we can drive there, right mommy? But there IS going to be a torndao in East, so we better not drive there. And the wind will blow and everything will be in circles, and we can't drive in East because there is a tornado. But if there isn't a tornado, then everything won't blow in circles, and we can drive, and so we can go to East.
(this talking in circles continued for, seriously I'm not exaggerating, a solid 2 minutes)
Me: Wow. That's a lot. I hope there isn't a tornado.
P: Yeah, but there will be. In East.
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